The University of the Cordilleras Research Agenda

The University of the Cordilleras Research Agenda, with the cross-cutting priority disciplinal thrusts, leans towards academic and social development by means of effective, sustainable, relevant, and quality knowledge transfer. Research is maximized through cross-college cooperation, external linkage and collaboration, and multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary approach to come up with advancing the contributions of the university in the nation’s social, cultural, health, environmental, educational, and economic development. The enrichment of the research culture in the university by utilizing the capability and productivity of its faculty members and students is greatly emphasized to attain the institution’s vision, mission, and objectives.

The University of the Cordilleras Research Thrust

In the pursuit of attaining quality assurance through the University of The Cordilleras’ trifocal function to teach, to research and to extend its services to the community, it is the aim of the university, through the Research & Development Center, to contribute its research expertise to the society and the country.

Quality defined by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) as 1) fitness for purpose, 2) exceptional, and 3) ‘developing a culture of quality’ shall go hand-in-hand with relevance in pursuing the vision, mission, and objectives of UC through research, teaching, and extension. With these, the university has focused its research & development thrusts to eight cluster disciplines. The research thrusts are the main areas to be engaged in by faculty, non-teaching researchers, and students with the aim of augmenting knowledge, applications and policies towards the development of the institution and the society.

The following are the priority research discipline cluster areas:

  • Education
  • Environmental Studies
  • Engineering and Technology
  • Economics, Accounting and Management
  • Health Sciences
  • Indigenous Knowledge Systems & Practices
  • Public Safety and Governance
  • Geographic Information Science/System

To further make best use of research through its multidisciplinary nature, the Geographic Information Science/System shall be embedded in each of the cluster disciplines. GIS in its most general sense is not only considered a tool but an innovation in the field of research as it cuts and crosses disciplinal boundaries. This research focus of the university interacts with the National Higher Education Research Agenda-2, focusing on multidisciplinary approach, policy-oriented studies, researches on quality and standards, institutional development studies, manpower and academic excellence studies, integrative studies, socially-oriented and community-based studies, and other researches in response to emerging needs of the county.

All academic and scholarly studies shall be evaluated based on their applicability to the other cluster areas and should cut across disciplines. With this, it should be known that outputs from the researches undertaken are outcomes-based to be applied in quality education through its effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, and relevance.

The R&DC shall also assist and facilitate researchers in conducting possible studies along with the University’s trilogy of function on research, instruction, and extension from research thrusts identified in the National Higher Education Research Agenda 2 (NHERA - 2): 2009- 2018 of the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) (CHEd, 2012), as well as Department of Science and Technology (DOST) priority areas in basic research identified by the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP).

The University of the Cordilleras research agenda is based on priority thrusts as reflected in the NHERA – 2 (2009-2018).

  1. Program/curricular studies on higher education – clusters of disciplines including assessment of present programs/curricula for purposes of determining how these could be improved, as well as international benchmarking of best practices towards the development of new programs/curricula in leading edge discipline.
  2. Policy-oriented studies – research on the various dimensions of policy formulation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation focusing on, but not limited to, the following, such as:
    • Financing higher education; cost sharing in higher education
    • Economics of educational program
    • Governance and management of higher education
    • Accreditation and other quality assurance mechanism
    • Rationalizing higher education courses/programs or studies
    • Internationalization of higher education
    • Student financing model
  3. Research on quality and standards in the context of:
    • International rankings and global benchmarking
    • Quality assurance systems
    • Equivalency
    • Redefining classifications of HEIs
  4. Institutional development studies
  5. Manpower supply and demand
  6. Graduate tracer study
  7. Researchers in the field of engineering, information technology, business, accounting, finance & economics, and hospitality industry & tourism.
  8. Integrative studies in social sciences and natural sciences, as well as humanities, linguistics, criminology, and other disciplines.
  9. Socially-oriented and community-based studies.
  10. Other research topics considered by CHED and other organizations/agencies in response to emerging needs of the country.

Paper Publication Subsidy/Incentive


To set guidelines in the grant of subsidy/incentive for the publication of approved university researches.


This policy covers researches published in internationally indexed journals (ISI, SCOPUS)


Research Publication Subsidy/Incentive Application Form (UC-RI-RSO-Form-14)


1. Only papers to be published in ISI/SCOPUS-indexed journals shall be awarded subsidy/incentive by the University.

2. Full-time and part-time faculty and non-teaching staff are allowed to avail of the subsidy/incentive.

3. The number of paper publications to be presented shall depend upon the RIO budget allocated for the grant as projected for the academic year.

4. No researcher shall be allowed to *avail of the research subsidy and/or incentive more than three (3) times in a year to give chance to other interested *researchers.

5. Each academic cluster are given a maximum of five (5) research publications to be funded. These restrictions may, however, be waived if no other researchers availed of the subsidy/incentive, and the budget allocation is still allowable for the sake of research productivity and capacity-building.

6. Researches to be provided subsidy/incentive shall be divided into two categories, namely:

6.1 Researches with external grant

6.2 Researches without external grant

7. If the research iswithoutexternal grant, the following guidelines apply:

7.1 If the research conference call includes presentation with publication, a subsidy amounting to thirty five thousand pesos (P35,000.00) will be granted to a researcher divided into two (2) installments. The first fifteen thousand pesos (P15,000.00) will be released upon acceptance of the paper for presentation and publication.

7.2 The remaining twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00) will be released upon submission of proof of publication by the researcher. The subsidy is subject to liquidation.

8. If publication only, a subsidy of twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00) will be granted to the researcher upon submission of proof of publication. The subsidy is subject to liquidation.

9. If the research iswithexternal grant, the following applies:

9.1 If under the Line Item Budget (LIB) publication is included, an incentive amounting to fifteen thousand pesos (P15,000.00) will be granted to the researcher. The incentive is subject to tax.

9.2 If under the Line Item Budget (LIB) publication is not included, the rules on publication without external grant will apply.

9.3 Courier/freight of application submitted to publisher/editorial board of the publication, handling fee, and other expenses before, during, and after the application process are not covered in this grant.

10. *If the research is without external grant but the publication is free, an incentive amounting to fifteen thousand pesos (P15,000.00) will be granted to the researcher which is subject to tax.

11. *If the researcher is presented only but subsequently get published, the researcher may avail of the subsidy.

12. The author is required to submit a report on his/her publication to the RIO. This may also include a copy of the journal where his/her research was published.

13. Application Process

The submission of application for the subsidy/incentive shall include the following:

· Paper Presentation and Publication Sponsorship Form

· Expenses to be covered by the grant

· Notice of acceptance from the publisher/editorial board

14. When published, an original copy of journal publication page containing list of referees and editorial board must be submitted to Research and Innovation Office.

15. *If the research is funded internally, the subsidy or incentive covered in this PG do not apply.